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SMA Kelas 11 / Ulangan Sejarah SMA Kelas 11

Salah satu dampak Revolusi Rusia di Indonesia adalah terbentuknya partai …..




D. Perindo

E. Masyumi

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Preview soal lainnya:

Soal Ekonomi SMA Kelas XI Semester 1 › Lihat soal

Surat tanda pengakuan hutang yang dibuat oleh perusahaan yang mengeluarkan dan saat jatuh tempo sanggup membayarnya pokok pinjaman dan bunganya disebut ….
a. obligasi
b. saham
c. deposito
d. call money
e. money changer

Bahasa Inggris SMA IPS › Lihat soal

Man: hi ara, songratulation on your promotion. its nice to know that you will be a new branch manager office bank. when are you going to samarinda?
Woman: Rayhan, you were a good friend. thank you for your support. i’m supposed to go to samarinda before november 1th this year.
Man: good luck then

Why did the man conratulated the woman?

a. the man felt happy to meet the woman
b. the woman got a better position in the office
c. the woman moved to a new bank in samarinda
d. the man got a promotion to be a branch manager
e. the woman supported the man to be a branch manager

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