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SD Kelas 1 / Fiqih MI Kelas 1

Wudhu dapat menghilangkan hadats…

A. Besar

B. Kecil

C. Suci

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UTS Sosiologi SMA Kelas 12 Semester Ganjil › Lihat soal

Teori yang menyatakan bahwa perkembangan masyarakat tidak perlu melalui tahap-tahap tertentu yang tetap disebut ….

A. universal theory of evolution

B. unilinier theory of evolution

C. multilined theory of evolution

D. multitined theory of revolution

E. universal theory of evolution

English Random #2 › Lihat soal


Have you been to the new art museum?


A: Yes, I several times have been there.
B: No, not yet.
C: I’ve went there often.
D: Yes, I did.
E: Yes, I gone yesterday.

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