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Latihan Soal Online

Ulangan Harian Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 5

Latihan soal pilihan ganda Ulangan Harian Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 5 dan kunci jawaban.

Preview 10 soal pertama:

I work in Garuda Indonesia

I files the plane

I am a ….

A. Security

B. Chef

C. Soldier

D. Pilot


It is sunny today. Zidan is playing ….

A. kite

B. marble

C. volleyball

D. soccer


The book is in the box.

In Indonesian is ….
A. Buku ada didepan kotak

B. Buku ada disamping kotak

C. Buku ada didalam kotak

D. Buku ada diatas kotak


It is a traditional game. This game involves two teams, one on each side of the rope. Both teams have to pull it until one team falls on the middle point. It is a ….

A. sack race

B. bakiak race

C. tug of war

D. pole climbing


Novi : What is he doing now?

Nabil : He is ……….… a book.
A. writing

B. reading

C. listening

D. bringing


It is a …. (kereta api)

A. Carriage

B. Train

C. Truck

D. Ambulance


Arif : How is the weather today?

Wahyu : It is ….
A. sunny

B. cloudy

C. rainy

D. snowy


The suitable instruction is ….

A. Save the earth

B. Plant the trees

C. Do not cut the trees

D. Throw the rubbish into the bin


(+) We are staying at home.

(-) …………
A. We are not staying at home

B. We not staying at home

C. We are not stay at home

D. We not are staying at home


I was born … April.

A. at

B. of

C. on

D. in



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