Ujian Semester 1 (UAS) Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 11
Latihan soal pilihan ganda Ujian Semester 1 (UAS) Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 11 dan kunci jawaban.
Preview 10 soal pertama:
a. happiness
b. surprise
c. pleasure
d. enjoyment
Robert:” What do you do in your week end ?
Erick :” I love…a novel and news paper”
Abibah arrives at school 06.15 am, she greets her teacher by saying …
b.Good night
c.Good afternoon
d.Good morning
e.Good bye
Soleh always … late in the morning. His mother is always mad with him.
a.Waken up
b.Worked up
c.Woke up
d.Wake up
e.Wakes up
Bambang: My hobby is sport. What’s your hobby?
Agus: ….
Bambang: Have you ever traveled around the world.
a. I like to travel
b. I like travel
c. I like traveling
d. I like traveled
e. I like traveles
Dendi : “ I heard that Susi has been hospitalized since last week “
Rafa : ” She must avoid …. too hard because of her poor condition.”
c.Be working
d.In working
Waiter : Good morning , …………………?
Guest :” I’d like to start with a glass of hot coffe,please.
What is the right expression to complete the dialog about ?
a.How are you, sir ?
b.Are you ready to order, sir ?
c.What would you like to drink, sir?
d.Have you made a reservation before, sir?
e.How do you do Sir?
Agus served delicious dinner to his guest, Untung.
Untung: Thank you for the delicious dinner, Agus.
Agus : ….
a.I’m very hungry too
b.Don’t eat too much
c.It’s my pleasure
d.When will you invite me
e.Never mind, Untung
Benita : What do you think about this product?
Have we received our selling target?
Jenny : I think, …
Benita : I agree with your opinion.
a. We should increase our promotion
b. We do not need to promote it
c. I have no idea
d. Your idea is not good
e. That is very not rationally
Chandra :”Is this pens yours ?
Ryan : “No, it isn’t.”
Chandra : “It is not yours and it isn’t mine either, so …….pen is it ?
Pilih soal berdasarkan kelas
SD Kelas 1 SD Kelas 2 SD Kelas 3 SD Kelas 4 SD Kelas 5 SD Kelas 6 SMP Kelas 7 SMP Kelas 8 SMP Kelas 9 SMA Kelas 10 SMA Kelas 11 SMA Kelas 12Preview Soal Lainnya:
› Soal #91629 : Penilaian Harian Tema 9 SD Kelas 6Perhatikan data berikut!
(1) Dikenal sebagai planet merah
(2) Mempunyai cincin yang indah
(3) Dihuni oleh makhluk hidup
(4) Letaknya dekat dengan bumi
Pernyataan di atas yang termasuk ciri-ciri planet Mars adalah …
A. 1 dan 2
B. 2 dan 3
C. 3 dan 4
D. 4 dan 1
› Soal #142368 : Persiapan UTS Bahasa Indonesia SMA Kelas 10 Semester Ganjil
Berikut kalimat yang mengandung kata teknis adalah…
A. Bawang putih memiliki manfaat yang cukup besar bagi kesehatan.
B. Bunga mawar tidak hanya berwarna merah atau putih
C. Batik tradisional tetap mempertahankan coraknya dan masih dipakai dalam upacara-upacara adat
D. Inverter berfungsi menginversikan arus searah (DC) menjadi arus bolak balik (AC)
E. Alat ini cukup mudah dan memiliki tingkat keamanan yang cukup tinggi
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