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Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs 2011/2012

Latihan soal pilihan ganda Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs 2011/2012 dan kunci jawaban.

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Why does Akmat ask Dimas to join them for the weekend?

A. Dimas is one of Akmal’s friends.

B. Akmal knoes that Dimas likes fishing

C. Dimas doesn’t have any they spend a weekend

D. It’s been long since they spend a weekend together.


from the massage we can conclude that …

A. all of the boys have the sama hobbies

B. they will go to the village by car

C. bith Dimas and too Akmal’s best friends

D. they always spend their weekwnd together


From the text we know that Fachri ….

A. gets a medal for the best student

B. is the best student at school

C. graduates from high school

D. got five for the rest


“….please step foward…”

The underlined word means ….

A. come to the front

B. move back

C. one step to the left

D. stand in line


What does the Thompson family do?

A. Introduce Santa to their friends.

B. Open the door for thei friends.

C. Inform their new house to the friends

D. Invite their friends to a coktail party.


From the text can cay that ….

A. Cecily and Brandon have different addresses

B. Santa is going to move to a house this year

C. Santa always opens the dood Thompson family

D. The Thompson family will move to a new house


Where do we usually find the text?

A. At the lake

B. At the beach

C. At the river bank

D. At the awimming pool


Why do the employees have to wear a uniform during work hours?

A. To make them more colorful.

B. To differenciate them from customers.

C. To distinguish between work day and holiday.

D. To make it easier to distinguish between man and woman.


“All employees are required to wear a unifrom ….”

The underlined word similliar in meaning with ….

A. instructed

B. shown

C. pointed

D. atmitted


What is the announcement about?

A. The description of a t-shirt the staff and employees.

B. The information of a new uniform for the employees.

C. The explanation of the difference between employees and customers.

D. The unformation on how wear uniform during work hours.
