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Prediksi Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 12

Latihan soal pilihan ganda Prediksi Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 12 dan kunci jawaban.

Preview 10 soal pertama:

Man : I give up! I’ll stop learning Fench.

Woman : Why do you say that? You are making a lot of proggres

Man : No I’m not. I’ve tried hard but still I can not speak it well

Woman : How come? You can speak arabic. Hindi, Japanesse and even Russian well, Can’t you?

Narrator : What language is difficult for the man?

A. Hindi

B Arabic

C. French

D. Russian

E. Japanesse


Man :Have you had a job before?

Woman : yes but in a smaal printing company

Man : Why do you want to work here?

Narrator :what is te dialogue about ?

A. Job vacancy

B. Job Interview

C. Printing company

D. Getting high salary

E Findin job


Girl: Hi guy? where would you go ?

Boy : Iwould go to te book store

Girl : what are you going to buy ?

Boy : an English Grammar Book written by Petty Simmon

Girl : Oh, I see. By the way. I heard there magazines novels, comics, and science book are on sale in the book store.

Narrator : What is the boy going to buy ?

A. A novel

B. A Comics

C. A Magazines

D> A science book

E. An English Grammar Book


Woman ; Hy, You look concern, what are in your mind?

Man : The final Exam. I’m not fully prepared yet

Woman: Well Don’t worry too much you still have three days

Man: Yeh, but three days would by pass in the wink

Woman: Well, you still have time to count thing into brain anyway

Narrator : Why does the woman suggest the man no to worry about the exam ?

A. The exam is easy

B. This time will not fly

C. The exam is in three weeks

D. He knows many things about the exam

E. He steel has three days for the exam preparation


Man : Did you Nisa’s party last Saturday ?

Woman ; I planned to go but I could’t make it

Man : Oh Wy

Woman ; I had a terrible headance

Narrator : What does the woman mean ?

A. She came to Nisa’s party

B.She could’t make a party

C. She had to go to a cdoctor

D. She intivited the man to a party

E. She don’t go to Nisa’s Party


Man: Hey, Cindy could you do me a favour ?

Woman : What can I do for you ?

Man : Would you mind going to the post office to send my letter ?

Woman :

NArrator : What is the woman’s possible responses ?

A. I am all out, sorry

B I love to write letter

C. Sure by all means

D. It’s next to the police ststion


Man : Are you OK? You look a bit dizzy today

Woman : i was caught in a heavy rain yesterday I’m afraid I’ll get sick

Narrator : What does the most likely reply ?

A. I don’t really like the rain

B. Thank you. That’s very kind of you

C. Sorry I didn’t bring my raincoat with me

D. You should take a rest and eat healty food


Man : What does the man probably answer ?

A. Yes you look nice

B. Yes, this is absolutely righ!

C. Yes, I think you are wrong!

D. No you’ve never believed it!


Boy: the service really slow here. I’ve tried to get the wraiter’s attention for the last ten minutes

Girl : you know we have a class at two o’clock

Narrator : What’s the best response the boy to reply ?

A. I hope he server us soon

B. I expect him not to come

C. How come he is so lazy

D. Hopely he ignores us


Man : What some Chinese seek tonight?

Woman : There’s their eight traditional dancers performance tonigt. This dance is very energetic

Man : Wha is ti like ?

Woman : Eight group of people sitting side by side, movin their arms, shoulders and head in time with one an other

Narrator : Which picture goes to the dialogue ?
