How to Make a Pencil Box
What you need: an empty plastic bottle of mineral water, a sharp cutter, a piece of white or colorful paper, some paint and some glue.
How to make it? Just follow these instructions!
– Wash the plastic bottle. Make sure it is clean when you use it.
– Cut the bottle into two halves.
– Wrap the bottle with a piece of colored paper.
– If you use plain paper, use the paint to draw on it.
– Now your pencil box is ready to use.
What’s the goal of the activity?
a. Creating something with used things
b. Making a pencil box
c. Following instructions to make something
d. Preparing things for making a handicraft.
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Preview soal lainnya: Senam Irama - Penjaskes PJOK SMP Kelas 8
Perhatikan gambar berikut!
Gambar tersebut menunjukan gerakan..
A. Aktivitas mengayun kaki ke depan
B. Aktivitas mengayun kaki ke samping
C. Aktivitas mengayun kaki ke belakang
D. Akttivitas mengayun kaki ke depan dan belakang
Cara Menggunakan : Baca dan cermati soal baik-baik, lalu pilih salah satu jawaban yang kamu anggap benar dengan mengklik / tap pilihan yang tersedia.
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