UTS Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris SD / MI Kelas 5
Latihan soal pilihan ganda UTS Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris SD / MI Kelas 5 dan kunci jawaban.
Latihan soal pilihan ganda UTS Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris SD / MI Kelas 5 dan kunci jawaban.
We can play football in the ….
a. court
b. verandah
c. field
d. bedroom
Nando needs a …. for camping.
a. ball
b. tent
c. net
d. bat
We can do hiking in the ….
a. mountain
b. house
c. school
d. library
Putri likes cooking ing the ….
a. garden
b. bathroom
c. dining room
d. kitchen
We can do surfing in the ….
a. road
b. home
c. street
d. beach
Aldy and Aldo are bringing a ball and bats. They want to play ….
a. table tennis
b. football
c. basketball
d. vollyball
Morgan likes music. He is a pianist. He is playing ….
a. guitar
b. piano
c. flute
d. violin
Wawan’s hobby is philately. He likes collecting ….
a. book story
b. stamp
c. car
d. picture
Yoga goes to the river. He brings his fish hook. He wants to do ….
a. swimming
b. fishing
c. hiking
d. cycling
I want to play badminton. I need ….
a. shuttlecocks
b. ball
c. marble
d. bat
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