Latihan Soal Online

Latihan Soal Online - SD/MI - SMP/MTs - SMA | Kategori : Semua Soal

UTS Bahasa Indonesia SD Kelas 4 Semester Ganjil / Soal no. 11 dari 17

Dari tanaman berbunga ungu di pojok kiri sampai pohon mangga besar di kanan, semua disiram Tigor. Tigor melalukannya secara sistematis agar tidak ada yang terlewat. Kata sistematis memiliki makna . .

A. dengan cara mempermudah

B. dengan cara semrawut

C. dengan cara yang acak

D. dengan cara yang teratur

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Soal #9783
Riyan : “Hi Iqbal, do you know where I can find science books?”
Iqbal : “No, I do not. You must ask to shopkeeper.”
Riyan : “Ok, thank you.”
Dika : “Hi, I am Dika. I am the shopkeeper in this bookstore. Can I help you?”
Riyan : “Yes, I wants to buy a science books. Where I can find it?”
Dika : “The science books at there. You can find it between drawing books and enclycopedia books. There are many science books there.
Riyan : “Thank you for your informations”
Dika : “Youre welcome.”


Dika is a ....
a. Student
b. Teacher
c. Shopkeeper
d. Waiter

Soal #9784
Riyan : “Hi Iqbal, do you know where I can find science books?”
Iqbal : “No, I do not. You must ask to shopkeeper.”
Riyan : “Ok, thank you.”
Dika : “Hi, I am Dika. I am the shopkeeper in this bookstore. Can I help you?”
Riyan : “Yes, I wants to buy a science books. Where I can find it?”
Dika : “The science books at there. You can find it between drawing books and enclycopedia books. There are many science books there.
Riyan : “Thank you for your informations”
Dika : “Youre welcome.”


Where Riyan can find the science books?
a. Between drawing books and enclycopedia books
b. between math books and enclycopedia books
c. Between novels and enclycopedia books
d. Between comic books and enclycopedia books

Materi Latihan Soal Lainnya:


Latihan Soal Online adalah website yang berisi tentang latihan soal mulai dari soal SD / MI Sederajat, SMP / MTs sederajat, SMA / MA Sederajat hingga umum. Website ini hadir dalam rangka ikut berpartisipasi dalam misi mencerdaskan manusia Indonesia.