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Ulangan PAS Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 5 Semester 1 Ganjil

Latihan 15 soal pilihan ganda Ulangan PAS Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 5 Semester 1 Ganjil dan kunci jawaban.

Preview 10 soal pertama:

What do people wear to sleep?

A. coat

B. gown

C. swimsuit

D. pyjamas


What do you need to play skipping?

A. rope

B. marbles

C. yoyo

D. kites


… play outside ! It’s raining.

A. Do

B. Don’t

C. Did

D. Is


When you are hungry you will …

A. eat

B. drink

C. run

D. sleep


Which one is not a toy?

A. ball

B. doll

C. marble

D. ruler


People wear … when it rains.

A. raincoat

B. uniform

C. shirt

D. skirt


The following are expressions of giving opinion, except …

A. I think it’s a good t-shirt

B. In my opinion, you look great in that vest

C. What do you think of my skirt?

D. Based on my opinion, the coat is suitable on you


To play football, we need a …

A. kite

B. marble

C. ball

D. yoyo


The boys shoots the manggo using a …

A. ball

B. doll

C. slingshot

D. yoyo


The weather is very cold. I wear a …

A. swimsuit

B. shoes

C. jacket

D. coat
