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Ulangan Harian Semester Ganjil - Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7

Latihan 27 soal pilihan ganda Ulangan Harian Semester Ganjil - Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7 dan kunci jawaban.

Preview 10 soal pertama:

I and my mother … for our breakfast in the kitchen everymorning.

A. cooking

B. cooks

C. cook

D. cooked


What do you say when you want to leave someone and you will meet him on Monday?

A. See you at Monday

B. See you on Monday

C. See you in Monday

D. See you on next Monday


My mother cooks a cake. She … the best cooker

A. am

B. are

C. was

D. is


My daughter _________ studying English at Airlangga University.

A. is

B. does

C. do

D. not


… the teachers have a meeting every month?

A. are

B. is

C. does

D. do


I … a football player, but my friends … futsal players. We practice every afternoon in a different place.

A. am, were

B. was, were

C. am, are

D. was, are


Udin: …?

Siti: I live on Jalan Rambutan. What about you Udin?

Udin: I live on Jalan Merpati.

What is the correct question?

A. What is your name

B. Where are you from

C. Where do you live

D. How do you spell your name


Hello, I am Nisa. I live … 15 Jalan Belimbing.

What is the proper answer to fill in the blank?

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. next


My father likes to drink coffee for breakfast.

A. Ayahku suka minum kopi untuk sarapan.

B. Ayahku tidak suka minum kopi untuk sarapan.

C. Kakekku suka minum kopi untuk sarapan.

D. Kakekku tidak suka minum kopi untuk sarapan.


Sherina and Risa … the prettiest students in my class.

A. is

B. am

C. are

D. was
