Ulangan Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 4
Latihan 15 soal pilihan ganda Ulangan Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 4 dan kunci jawaban.
Latihan 15 soal pilihan ganda Ulangan Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 4 dan kunci jawaban.
130 be read ….
A. One hundred and thirteen
B. One hundred and three
C. One hundred and thirty three
D. One hundred and thirty
Budi got a new bike. He is ….
A. bitter
B. happy
C. sad
D. sleep
Miss Nina is tall. She is not ….
A. weak
B. short
C. scared
D. cute
999 be read ….
A. Nine hundred and nine
B. Nine hundred and ninety nine
C. Nine hundred and ninety
D. Nine hundred and nineteen
Five hundred ang twenty two in number is ….
A. 522
B. 525
C. 512
D. 552
Student 1 : I’d like a bottle of milk, please.
Student 2 : ……….
A. Okay
B. All right. Here you are.
C. Thank You
D. Yes
770 be read ….
A. Seven hundred and seven
B. Seven hundred and seventeen
C. Seven hundred and seventy
D. Seven hundred
It is lunch time. Are you …. ?
A. nervous
B. afraid
C. hungry
D. scared
Two hundred and twelve in number is ….
A. 202
B. 222
C. 220
D. 212
Doni and I are cold. We are not ….
A. warm
B. sleepy
C. bitter
D. hungry
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