Ujian Tengah Semester 1 Ganjil (MID/UTS) Bahasa Inggris SD/MI Kelas 4
Latihan soal pilihan ganda Ujian Tengah Semester 1 Ganjil (MID/UTS) Bahasa Inggris SD/MI Kelas 4 dan kunci jawaban.
Latihan soal pilihan ganda Ujian Tengah Semester 1 Ganjil (MID/UTS) Bahasa Inggris SD/MI Kelas 4 dan kunci jawaban.
Justin :”Good night Selena”!
Selena : “Good …. “.
a. afternoon
b. evening
c. morning
d. night
Martin : “Hello Rosi, How are you “?
Rosi : ” Hello …. fine”.
a. you are
b. we are
c. I am
d. He is
Our parents are ….
a. father and mother
b. brother and sister
c. grandfather and grandmother
d. uncle and aunt
Generally the leather of a family is ….
a. teacher
b. head master
c, president
d. father
Who gave birth to us?
a. father
b. mother
c. sister
d. daughter
Nino is my sister’son. Nino is my ….
a. cousin
b. daughter
c. nephew
d. niece
Look at the picture !
Mr. Rozak is Viona’s ….
a. father
b. mother
c. brother
d. daughter
Alfian is Mrs. Farah’s ….
a. father
b. mother
c. daughter
d. son
Mr. Jono is my uncle. His wife is my ….
a. mother
b. sister
c. cousin
d. aunt
The younger brother of our father is our ….
a. aunt
b. uncle
c. grandfather
d. grandson
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