Latihan Soal Online

Latihan Soal Online - SD/MI - SMP/MTs - SMA | Kategori : Semua Soal

Ujian Semester 1 (UAS) Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 12 / Soal no. 11 dari 20

One day a mouse was playing in the forest and lion caught it and said,” I shall eat you up.””Don’t eat me up” said the mouse. “Someday I will help you” “Oh how? laughed the lion. How can you help me? I am very large lion and you are a very small mouse. ” But the lion was not hungry and he didn’t eat the mouse.

The next day a hunter came and put a large net in the forest to catch the lion. That night the lion walked in the forest and was caught in the net.” I can’t get a way!;’ he said.” I am caught in the net, Help! Help!”

The mouse came and saw the lion in the net”! will save you;’ he bit the net a hundred time, and the lion got away. The lion said, “Thank you, mouse. I am large and you are small brown mouse, but you have helped me”

“You didn’t eat me yesterday, and I have saved you from the hunter today”, said the mouse. They laughed and went away together in the forest.

The moral lesson of the text is …
A. The bigger is the stronger.
B. The smaller is the stronger.
C. The big always becomes strong.
D. The bigger isn’t always the stronger.
E. A mouse is always cleverer than a lion.

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Woman : My pleasure, Sir. I hope you can use the money to buy your dream house

What is the topic of the conversation?

a. asking for help
b. giving opinion
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Woman: my pet is lost, she has been missing for whole day
Man: you mean your kitty?
Woman: Yes

What makes the woman sad?

a. she lost her kitty
b. her kitty was dead
c. she could get a kitty
d. she did not have a pet animal
e. she was not allowed to get a kitty

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