Ujian Semester 1 (UAS) Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 11
Latihan soal pilihan ganda Ujian Semester 1 (UAS) Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 11 dan kunci jawaban.
Latihan soal pilihan ganda Ujian Semester 1 (UAS) Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 11 dan kunci jawaban.
a. happiness
b. surprise
c. pleasure
d. enjoyment
Robert:” What do you do in your week end ?
Erick :” I love…a novel and news paper”
Abibah arrives at school 06.15 am, she greets her teacher by saying …
b.Good night
c.Good afternoon
d.Good morning
e.Good bye
Soleh always … late in the morning. His mother is always mad with him.
a.Waken up
b.Worked up
c.Woke up
d.Wake up
e.Wakes up
Bambang: My hobby is sport. What’s your hobby?
Agus: ….
Bambang: Have you ever traveled around the world.
a. I like to travel
b. I like travel
c. I like traveling
d. I like traveled
e. I like traveles
Dendi : “ I heard that Susi has been hospitalized since last week “
Rafa : ” She must avoid …. too hard because of her poor condition.”
c.Be working
d.In working
Waiter : Good morning , …………………?
Guest :” I’d like to start with a glass of hot coffe,please.
What is the right expression to complete the dialog about ?
a.How are you, sir ?
b.Are you ready to order, sir ?
c.What would you like to drink, sir?
d.Have you made a reservation before, sir?
e.How do you do Sir?
Agus served delicious dinner to his guest, Untung.
Untung: Thank you for the delicious dinner, Agus.
Agus : ….
a.I’m very hungry too
b.Don’t eat too much
c.It’s my pleasure
d.When will you invite me
e.Never mind, Untung
Benita : What do you think about this product?
Have we received our selling target?
Jenny : I think, …
Benita : I agree with your opinion.
a. We should increase our promotion
b. We do not need to promote it
c. I have no idea
d. Your idea is not good
e. That is very not rationally
Chandra :”Is this pens yours ?
Ryan : “No, it isn’t.”
Chandra : “It is not yours and it isn’t mine either, so …….pen is it ?
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