Latihan Soal Online

Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 12 Tahun 2015

Latihan soal pilihan ganda Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 12 Tahun 2015 dan kunci jawaban.

Preview 10 soal pertama:

Man : I don’t know what to order. I could drink everything on the menu

Woman : Why don’t you try guava juice, orange juice or ice tea

Man : Guave juice sounds good. I’ll taje it.

Woman : I thing i’ll have a big glass of cola foat.

Narrator : What will the woman do ?

A. Take a guava juice

B. Order an orange juice

C. Try an ice tea

D. Order a cola foat

E. Drink mineral bottle water


Woman : what do you think about my appearance ? I do look OK ?

Man : Well, yes! But you will more look elegance if you wear long black dress.

Woman : Alright

Narrator : What is the dialogue about?

A. The woman’s dress

B. The elegant woman

C. The woman black dress

D. The woman appearance

E. The man’s complaint about the woman


Man : I have been working seven in the morning , and now i am so sleepy.

Woman : Why don’t you take a rest for a while

Narrator : How is the man feel ?

A. Sick

B. Tired

C. Sleepy

D. Thirsty

E. Hungry


Man : How long have you been in the country?

Woman : Two weeks and it was amazing

Man : Where did you go ?

Woman : Finland for week, Scothland four days, and rest and island in England

Narrator : How long the woman up the country ?

A. One week

B. Two weeks

C. Three weeks

D. Four weeks

E. Five weeks


Man : Hi! Tina, you look so busy. What are you doing

Woman : I am finishing the report on my research

Man : I did the Research about the cause hearts attack. I did it as my assignment in order to get a scolarship

Woman : Why was the girl busy

A. She is discusing the cause of hearts attacks.

B. She is finishing her report on heart attack.

C.she is finishing her school project

D.She is presenting her assignment.

E.She is looking for a scholarship.


Woman : you arrrived late again?

Boy : I’m Sorry, Ma’am. The bus had already. left when I arrived at the shelter.

Woman : But you promised that you wouldn’t come late again.

Boy : ….

Narrator What does the boy probably respond?

A. I’m Sorry to hear that

B. I really appreciate it.

C. I do appologized ma’am

D. No problem, ma’am


Man : Hi! Mita. where are you going ?

Woman: i am going to ten my friend wedding party

Man : What a beautiful gown. did you making it yourself?

Woman : No, my mom make it for me

Narrator : What would the probably say ?

A. your mom gave the dress to me

B. your dress is white isn’t it ?

C. you must buy the dress from that store

D. you look beautiful in the white gown.


Woman : You know what the deadline for handing my English asignment is today. But I cannot met my English teacher at school. What should i do ?

Narrator : What is the best respond the boy can make.

A. I am very sorry ti hear that

B. If i Where you, i would call her

C. You don’t have to handing over now

D. I Suggest you to obey the regulation


Man : It is your birthday, what do you wish for ?

Narrator : What you say perfect respond of the girl

A. I hope to get the best score in the exam

B. My Mother had no time to cook dinner

C. I never celebrate my birthday

D. It’s lovely cake and i love it a lot


Man : May I help you mom ?

WOman : Yes I’m looking for household equipment

Man : We have juices, blenders, rice cookers, dispensers, and irons

Woman : I want a dispenser with hot and cold facility

Narrator : What would the woman buy ?
