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Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMA 2015/2016

Latihan soal pilihan ganda Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMA 2015/2016 dan kunci jawaban.

Preview 10 soal pertama:

Man : I highly appreciate you for helping me chhose the right loan i ineed
Woman : My pleasure, Sir. I hope you can use the money to buy your dream house

What is the topic of the conversation?

a. asking for help
b. giving opinion
c. giving direction
d. expressing pleasure
e. expressing gratitude


Man: why you so sad?
Woman: my pet is lost, she has been missing for whole day
Man: you mean your kitty?
Woman: Yes

What makes the woman sad?

a. she lost her kitty
b. her kitty was dead
c. she could get a kitty
d. she did not have a pet animal
e. she was not allowed to get a kitty


Man: hi ara, songratulation on your promotion. its nice to know that you will be a new branch manager office bank. when are you going to samarinda?
Woman: Rayhan, you were a good friend. thank you for your support. i’m supposed to go to samarinda before november 1th this year.
Man: good luck then

Why did the man conratulated the woman?

a. the man felt happy to meet the woman
b. the woman got a better position in the office
c. the woman moved to a new bank in samarinda
d. the man got a promotion to be a branch manager
e. the woman supported the man to be a branch manager


Man: excuse me, is this sit taken?
Woman: bo! please sit down
Man: by the way, whats the announcement about?
Woman: flight take off 505 to denpasar is delayed

What is the man asked the woman when he sees her?

a. he wants to sit down
b. he recognized the woman
c. his plane has been delayed
d. he wants to leave the place
e. he wants to wait for a plane


Man: where should we take a vacation this year, lets decide soon.
Woman: well, i’d like to go somewhere one about the beach or we could ride a cabin by the lake
Man: i think going to the lake much be better
Woman: ok, dear!

What have they decided?

a. to enjoy the holiday on the beach
b. to camp by the lake
c. to go to a sea shore
d. nothing for now
e. to take a vacation by plane


girl: i really made a mistake
boy: what about?
girl: i have broken your pen
boy: that pen? oh no.
girl: …

what does the girl probably respond?

a. i’m sorry to hear that
b. i really appreciate it
c. i do apologize
d. i love that pen


man: there would be an english speech delivered by students during the flag ceremony next monday
woman: really?
man: absolutely, what do you think?

what is the best response to the man question?

a. i believe it can improve the student english skill
b. i assume the flag ceremony is important
c. i like english speeches and raising flag
d. i think i can communicate in english


woman: where have you been. i haven’t seen you for two days
man: i have been sick since last sunday. i’ve got a terrible cold

what is the best response to the man?

a. that’s very kind of you
b. how lucky are you
c. i hope you will feel better soon
d. i’m very grateful to you


woman: the weather is so hot today
man: i have got mineral water for you, glass or bottle?
woman: bottle please!
man: here you are
woman: upps! i can’t open this cup

what is the best response to the woman statement?

a. let’s do it
b. may i use it?
c. would you take it?
d. let me do it for you


This place is the most visited attraction in London. As is this the source of facination for many tourists. The palace is surrounded by park, some tree sude such gym park, green park and high park. There also a fourty eight garden on the palace ground complete statuary, pool and platform. Queen Elizabeth over looks the green park private suite, overlooks the green park a lovely tree line preserve of the following davodil in the spring.

which picture goes to the monologue?
