Latihan Soal Online

Latihan Soal Online - SD/MI - SMP/MTs - SMA | Kategori : Semua Soal

STS Bahasa Jawa SD Kelas 1 Semester 2 Genap / Soal no. 7 dari 25

zara ambekane ngos-ngosan bar mlayu. Perangane awak sing kanggo ambekan yaiku …

A. irung

B. kuping

C. alis

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Preview soal lainnya:

Soal #85432
Anida : I heard that you didn’t past the test. That’s too bad. I’ve told you not to waste your time playing online game.

Diana : I will listen you next time.

It can be concluded from the dialogue that Anida expresses her…

A. Displeasure

B. Satisfaction

C. Suggestion

D. Happiness

E. Doubt
Soal #85442
Amir : I am not good at English.

Budi : ……………………..

Complete the dialogue above with an advice …..

A. I should practice English every day

B. Why don’t you take an English course and practice every day?

C. Do you like English?

D. I must take an English course

E. You must sleep often

Materi Latihan Soal Lainnya:


Latihan Soal Online adalah website yang berisi tentang latihan soal mulai dari soal SD / MI Sederajat, SMP / MTs sederajat, SMA / MA Sederajat hingga umum. Website ini hadir dalam rangka ikut berpartisipasi dalam misi mencerdaskan manusia Indonesia.