Latihan Soal Online

Latihan Soal Online - SD/MI - SMP/MTs - SMA | Kategori : Semua Soal

Seni Budaya SMP/MTs kelas 9 / Soal no. 42 dari 66

Alto adalah ….

A. suara tinggi pria

B. suara sedang pria

C. suara rendah wanita

D. suar tinggi wanita

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Soal #132778

To the third graders,

I will cancel the English test on Thursday 14 December 2023 because I have to attend an important meeting with the headmaster start from 8.00 am to 2.00 pm. Please do the task that I give to the leader of every class. Submit your work on my desk before the school ends.

Thank you,

Mr. Fiko

When should the students submit the task ... ?
A. At 8.00

B. Before 2.00 pm

C. After the school ends

D. Between 8.00 am to 2.00 pm

E. Before the school ends

Soal #132779
Carmen hasn’t... the bag in the classroom since she say on her chair.

A. See

B. Saw

C. Seeing

D. Seen

E. Is seen

Materi Latihan Soal Lainnya:


Latihan Soal Online adalah website yang berisi tentang latihan soal mulai dari soal SD / MI Sederajat, SMP / MTs sederajat, SMA / MA Sederajat hingga umum. Website ini hadir dalam rangka ikut berpartisipasi dalam misi mencerdaskan manusia Indonesia.