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PTS Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 9

Latihan 39 soal pilihan ganda PTS Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 9 dan kunci jawaban.

Preview 10 soal pertama:

When she ___________ (go) out to play, she __________________ (do) her homework.

A. had gone – went

B. went – had done

C. gone – had done


I’m sorry but I … to be at your show.
A. han’t intended
B. had really intended
C. intended
D. was intended


Kamil is screaming ____________.
A. loudly
B. hardly
C. quickly
D. quickly


She planned their trip to Greece very…

A. carefully

B. careful

C. carefuly

D. carefull


My husband sings ___ when he’s in the shower. Even the neighbours can hear him.

A. quietly

B. enthusiastically

C. bigly

D. goodly


An elephant is … than a cat.

A. big

B. bigger

C. more bigger

D. the biggest


Last night my grandma told me the …….. story that i have ever heard.

A. most interesting

B. interesting

C. more interesting

D. interested


Sometimes our teacher arrives ____________ for class.

A. lately

B. late

C. latelly

D. latly


This is the … book I have ever red.

A. interesting

B. more interesting

C. most interesting


He drives too ____________ .

A. fast

B. fastly

C. well

D. good
