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PTS Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 12

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What kind of caption is in the picture?

A. Group identification bar

B. Summary

C. Cutline

D. Expanded

E. Quote


According to the caption on the picture, when was the photo taken?

a. July 19, 2018

b. February 1, 2017

c. May 3, 2019

d. December 7, 2014

e. August 15, 2014


Where was the location in the picture?

A. Central Park

B. Garden

C. Floristry

D. Central Kiev

E. Reuter


Where did the writer study?

A. At State Polytechinc of Surabaya

B. At Private University of Malang

C. At State Polytechnic of Malang

D. At University of Malang

E. At Malang University


What does “Bloomed” mean?

A. Blossom

B. Wither

C. Wilt

D. Droop

E. Decay


“There was no longer a rule for the youth to enter millitary service in Britain.

Really, when …. ?”
A. was it abolishing

B. did it abolish

C. was it abolished

D. was it to be abolished

E. to be abolished


Where does the writer live?

A. Surabaya

B. Salatiga

C. Bandung

D. Semarang

E. Jakarta


“Why can’t I find the file on the annual report in the computer?”

“Because it …. in the hard disk.”
A. was not saving

B. not saved

C. did not saved

D. not being saved

E. was not saved


What is the function of the caption?

A. To make the picture look beautiful

B. To give description more detail of the picture

C. To tell about who was the viewer of the picture

D. To explain how beautiful the flowers are

E. To make readers see the beautiful flowers


Bob: Sony, will you join me to build a birdhouse?

Sony: Sure, _______. I am really excited.

Complete the dialogue above with right expression!

A. I don’t want to

B. I am busy today

C. I will

D. I will not

E. I have to go
