Latihan Soal Online

PTS 1 Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 6

Latihan 35 soal pilihan ganda PTS 1 Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 6 dan kunci jawaban.

Preview 10 soal pertama:

I . . . study English this afternoon

A. is

B. never

C. will

D. will be


What . . . you . . . do this afternoon?

I am going to watch Spiderman movie.

A. is – going to

B. will – doing

C. are – going to

D. am – going to


Fauzi will use a . . . to cut a paper.

A. scissor

B. paper

C. glue

D. pencil


Siti is hungry.

She . . . Nasi Uduk Betawi near her house.

A. will not

B. will drink

C. will buy

D. will go


What will you do first to draw Ondel-Ondel’s face?

I . . . draw a circle ….

A. will – second

B. will – first

C. will – third

D. will fourth


Siti . . . watch Palang Pintu attraction at her brother’s wedding ceremony tomorrow.

A. will going to

B. is going to

C. are going to

D. am going to


What will you use to sleep?

A. I will use pillow

B. I will use bolster

C. I will use umbrella

D. I will use blanket


I am going to make mango juice, so I need ….

A. mango. ice, blender

B. mango, ice, scissor

C. avocado, ice, blender

D. avocado, blender knife


What is Mamat going to do tonight?

He . . . going to . . . noodle for dinner.

A. is – cooks

B. is – cook

C. is – cooked

D. is – cooking


Will Rina and Rahma study math tonight?

Yes, ….

A. they are

B. they will

C. she is

D. she will
