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Penilaian Akhir Tahun Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 4

Latihan 25 soal pilihan ganda Penilaian Akhir Tahun Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 4 dan kunci jawaban.

Preview 10 soal pertama:

Tiara eats fried chicken … She doesn’t eat if there is no fried chicken

A. everyday

B. never

C. always

D. usually


You (play) … soccer a week ago

A. watched

B. played

C. talked

D. needed


She is a smart student. She … studies hard

A. everyday

B. sometimes

C. never

D. usually


Abhim and Aqso don’t like going to the beach. Abhim and Aqso … go to the beach.

A. everyday

B. never

C. usually

D. always



A. Our painting is more colorful than yours.

B. is more than yours colorful Our painting.

C. more is painting colorful Our yours than.

D. colorful is more than Our painting yours.


Kresna is very diligent. He … does his homework well.

A. rarely

B. sometimes

C. always

D. never


Mrs. Ica (use) … my pen an hour ago

A. put

B. throwed

C. used

D. borrowed


Most of the time La zian goes to the zoo with her parents. She … goes to the zoo with her parents

A. everyday

B. never

C. always

D. usually


My father (work) … late yesterday

A. studied

B. watched

C. played

D. worked


Mother is old but grandmother is …

A. larger

B. older

C. smaller

D. faster
