Latihan Soal Online

PAT Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 5

Latihan 34 soal pilihan ganda PAT Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 5 dan kunci jawaban.

Preview 10 soal pertama:

she is a…

A. doctor

B. teacher

C. tailor

D. nurse


Susunan kata yg tepat adalah…..

Drives – a – car – driver – a
A. Driver a drives a car

B. A car drives a drivr

C. A drives Drive a car

D. A driver drives a car


I don’t agree play …. this afternoon

A. football

B. chess

C. baseball

D. rope skipping


Don’t go …… . it is rain

A. boxing

B. football

C. chess

D. cycling


Cindy is 90 kg and Rida is 90 kg. Cindy is …. Rida.

A. Fatter

B. Fattest

C. As fat as

D. Fat


387 is…..

A. three hundred eighty seven

B. three thousand eighty seven

C. three hundred eight seven

D. three hundred seventy eight


I am very …, So I buy a rice box in the store.

A. Hungry

B. Sleepy

C. Angry

D. Thirsty


The shape is …. (segitiga)

A. Triangle

B. Square

C. Oval

D. Rectangle


You can buy a stationery in the ….

A. Movie

B. Bookstore

C. Mosque

D. Bank


Gloves in Indonesian is….

A. Kaos Kaki

B. SarungTangan

C. CelanaPanjang

D. Sepatu
