MID Semester Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 1
Latihan soal pilihan ganda MID Semester Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 1 dan kunci jawaban.
Latihan soal pilihan ganda MID Semester Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 1 dan kunci jawaban.
I buy a sweet …
A. water apple
B. melonwater
C. watermelon
It is …… fruit
A. Dragon
B. Passion
C. Star
Afra : What is your favorite fruit ?
Shireen : My favorite fruit is… .
A. Durian
B. Pineapple
C. Pear
Arsy : What fruit is it?
Hideyoshi : it is… .
A. Apple
B. Mango
C. grapes
Look at the picture !
it is a… .
A. lemon
B. watermelon
C. peach
The name of this fruit?
A. Dragon ball
B. Dragon fruit
C. Jackfruit
I like …… juice.
A. Avocado
B. Mango
C. Orange
Look at this picture !
It is … .
A. Lemon
B. Orange
C. Melon
Look at this picture !
It is… .
A. Manggo
B. Sour sop
C. Mangosteen
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