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Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 6 Semester Genap

Latihan 20 soal pilihan ganda Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 6 Semester Genap dan kunci jawaban.

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It is in the south of Bali. In bahasa means. . .

A. Ini di sebelah selatan Bali

B. Ini di sebelah utara Bali

C. Ini di sebelah barat Bali

D. Ini di sebelah timur Bali


This pretty dress is hers. It is ….

A. His dress

B. Her dress

C. My dress

D. Our dress


Hotel is . . . Airport and Supermarket

A. Across from

B. Behind

C. Between

D. At the corner of


Andi : Where is the park?

Dani : Go ahead and . . .. The park is on the right side

A. Turn right

B. Turn left

C. Turn around

D. Turn back


Timoti is sick. He have to go to. . .

A. Post office

B. School

C. Restaurant

D. Hospital


. . . . . and turn left. The restaurant is on the left side

A. Turn around

B. Turn right

C. Go past

D. Take the second right


Table – bag – her – on – is – the.

Arrange these words!

A. Her bag is on the table

B. The table is on her bag

C. Her table is on the bag

D. Her table is on the bag


Jack has a new bag. So, the bag is ….

A. his

B. him

C. her

D. mine


Jojo buys some medicines in the drugstore. In Bahasa Indonesia is …

A. Jojo menjual beberapa obat di apotek

B. Jojo membeli beberapa obat di apotek

C. Jojo mengambil beberapa obat di apotek

D. Jojo mencari beberapa obat di apotek


… pencils are those? Those are Budi’s

A. what

B. who

C. whom

D. whose
