Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 3
Latihan soal pilihan ganda Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 3 dan kunci jawaban.
My mother is a dentist , she works in the . . .
A. Hospital
B. Market
C. Field
D. Office
He is a mechanic ,he works in the . . .
A. Market
B. Office
C. Repair shop
D. Hospital
Ahmad is a barber , he works in the . . .
A. Hospital
B. Barber shop
C. School
D. Sea
Translate into english!
Siska suka semangka
A. Siska doesn’t like watermelon
B. Siska don’t like watermelon
C. Siska likes watermelon
D. Siska like watermelon
We … (tidak suka) strawberry
A. Like
B. Likes
C. Doesn’t like
D. Don’t like
That is a…
A. Jackfruit
B. Dragonfruit
C. Durian
D. Starfruit
Awif : “… you like mango dika?”
Dika : ” No, I don’t like mango because the taste is sour.
A. Does
B. Is
C. Are
D. Do
That is a…
A. Carrot
B. Eggplant
C. Tomato
D. Leek
Naysilla sits … (disamping) his mother
A. Behind
B. In front of
C. Beside
D. Under
My mother needs … for cooking
A. Carrot
B. Leek
C. Lettuce
D. Garlic
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