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Semua Soal Topik : Bahasa Arab MA Kelas 11 / Soal no. 1 dari 25

لَيْلَتُكَ Jumlah hurufnya ada ….
A. 7
B. 6
C. 5

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Soal #150465 : Kuis Sosiologi 2 SMA Kelas 12

Berbagai macam aturan yang berlaku seperti aturan/rambu-rambu lalu lintas, aturan berkendara, aturan jam malam dan lainnya yang harus dipatuhi masyarakat merupakan contoh paradigma… .

A. fakta sosial

B. definisi sosial

C. perilaku sosial

D. solidaritas sosial

Soal #23640 : Degrees of Comparison

My History teacher is __________ (strict) and __________ (unfriendly) the Science teacher. She never laughs and she makes us do a lot of more work.

A. The strictest … the unfriendliest
B. More strict … more unfriendly
C. More strict than … more unfriendly than
D. Stricter … unfriendlier than

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