Latihan Soal Online - SD/MI - SMP/MTs - SMA | Kategori : Semua Soal
★ Bab 3 & 4 - Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 / Soal no. 2 dari 20
Which of the following questions is correct
A. I should call him?
B. Should I call him?
C. Call him should I?
D. Do I should call him?
Pilih jawaban kamu:
Pilih soal berdasarkan kelas
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Preview soal lainnya:
Soal #158830Man : I highly appreciate you for helping me chhose the right loan i ineed
Woman : My pleasure, Sir. I hope you can use the money to buy your dream house
What is the topic of the conversation?
a. asking for help
b. giving opinion
c. giving direction
d. expressing pleasure
e. expressing gratitude
Soal #158831
Man: why you so sad?
Woman: my pet is lost, she has been missing for whole day
Man: you mean your kitty?
Woman: Yes
What makes the woman sad?
a. she lost her kitty
b. her kitty was dead
c. she could get a kitty
d. she did not have a pet animal
e. she was not allowed to get a kitty
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Latihan Soal Online adalah website yang berisi tentang latihan soal mulai dari soal SD / MI Sederajat, SMP / MTs sederajat, SMA / MA Sederajat hingga umum. Website ini hadir dalam rangka ikut berpartisipasi dalam misi mencerdaskan manusia Indonesia.