Latihan Soal Online - SD - SMP - SMA
Latihan Soal Online

Semua Soal (Acak) : SD Kelas 4 / Sumber Daya Alam (SDA) - IPA SD Kelas 4

Tanaman menghasilkan makanan seperti …

A. Beras, jagung, dan kedelai

B. Rotan, jati, dan mahoni

C. Nasi, ubi dan Cina

D. Sagu, kelapa dan meranti

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Soal #14479 : Ujian Semester 1 (UAS) Bahasa Inggris SMP /MTs Kelas 9

How to Make a Pencil Box
What you need: an empty plastic bottle of mineral water, a sharp cutter, a piece of white or colorful paper, some paint and some glue.
How to make it? Just follow these instructions!
– Wash the plastic bottle. Make sure it is clean when you use it.
– Cut the bottle into two halves.
– Wrap the bottle with a piece of colored paper.
– If you use plain paper, use the paint to draw on it.
– Now your pencil box is ready to use.

What’s the goal of the activity?
a. Creating something with used things
b. Making a pencil box
c. Following instructions to make something
d. Preparing things for making a handicraft.

Soal #34341 : Pengetahuan Umum

Setelah di amandemen, ada beberapa pasal dalam UUD 1945 …

A. 16 pasal

B. 73 pasal

C. 37 pasal

D. 65 pasal

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