Latihan Soal Online - SD - SMP - SMA
Latihan Soal Online

Semua Soal (Acak) : SD Kelas 6 / Ulangan Tema 7 SD Kelas 6

Kerja sama antarnegara di bidang pendidikan yang paling sering dilakukan adalah ….

A. Impor beras

B. Ekspor sawit

C. Pertukaran pelajar

D. Pertambangan logam

Pilih jawaban kamu:
A  B  C  D  E 

Pilih soal berdasarkan kelas

SD Kelas 1 SD Kelas 2 SD Kelas 3 SD Kelas 4 SD Kelas 5 SD Kelas 6 SMP Kelas 7 SMP Kelas 8 SMP Kelas 9 SMA Kelas 10 SMA Kelas 11 SMA Kelas 12

Preview Soal Lainnya:

Soal #29555 : Soal Ujian Tengah Semester 2 Genap (MID/UTS) Bahasa Inggris SD/MI Kelas 6

Aryo is a student. Today he is sick. He does not go to school. His mother takes him to the doctor The doctor is Mr. Adi, He examines Aryo. He says that Aryo has a fever. He has to go to the hospital. The hospital is in the city. Arya’s mother and Aryo go there by car. Aryo must stay in the hospital until he gets well. The doctors and the nurses are very patient

A : “Does Aryo go to school today?”
B: “No, he ….
a. do
b. does
c. don;t
d. doesn’t

Soal #66514 : Tema 7 Subtema 2 SD Kelas 5

Benda padat di bawah ini mudah mengalami proses mencair karena pengaruh kalor, kecuali …

A. Kertas

B. Lilin

C. Karet

D. Ban

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