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Web yang tidak menyediakan fasilitas e-mail adalah

A. ebay

B. Hotmail

C. Yahoo

D. Google

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Vektor - Matematika SMK Kelas 11 › Lihat soal

Nyatakan vektor berikut dalam vektor baris AB, A(2 6 3) dan

B(1 2 – 5)

A. AB (-1 – 4 – 8)

B. AB (1 – 4 8)

C. AB (3 5 7)

D. AB ( 1 7 – 8)

E. AB ( 1 4 8)

Grammar › Lihat soal

What is the correct way to combine sentences A and B.A. She made a vase in art class.B. Her mother thought it looked more like a candle holder.

A. She made a vase in art class, so her mother thought it looked more like a candle holder.
B. She made a vase in art class, and her mother thought it looked more like a candle holder.
C. She made a vase in art class, but her mother thought it looked more like a candle holder.
D. She made a vase in art class, so, her mother thought it looked more like a candle holder.

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Cara Menggunakan : Baca dan cermati soal baik-baik, lalu pilih salah satu jawaban yang kamu anggap benar dengan mengklik / tap pilihan yang tersedia.