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Elizabeth II, born on 21st April 1926, is the eldest daughter of George VI and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. She married Philip Mountbatten, a distant cousin, in 1947. The pair has four children: Charles, Prince of Wales, Anne, Andrew and Edward. She is the first monarch to send her children to boarding schools in order to remove them from the ever-probing media. She has a strong sense of duty and diligence. Her knowledge of current situation and trends is up to date. She possesses a sense of humorous rarely exhibited in public where a dignified presence is her goal.
What is the purpose of the text? It is to … .
A. Entertain the reader
B. Inform on a successful person
C. tell someone’s experience
D. describe a particular person
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Magnet - IPA SD Kelas 6 › Lihat soalPembuatan magnet pada gambar berikut ini dilakukan dengan cara …
A. induksi
B. menggosok
C. dialiri listrik
D. eletromagnet
Grammar › Lihat soal
The number of students in our class _________ dropped a lot since the beginning of the session.
A. Have
B. Has
Materi Latihan Soal Lainnya:
- Ulangan SD Kelas 3
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- PH Bahasa Indonesia SMA Kelas 12
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