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SMP Kelas 9 / UTS Bahasa Arab MTs Kelas 9

Manakah isim (kata benda) mabni golongan asmaa’ul maushulah?

A. اَلّذِيْنَ

B. اللَّذَانِ

C. هُوَ

D. كَيْفَ

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Aktivitas Air - Penjaskes PJOK SMP Kelas 8 › Lihat soal

Apa yang harus kalian lakukan ketika ada teman yang tenggelam,kecuali…

A. Meminta bantuan orang sekitar

B. Melemparkan benda yang bisa terapung

C. Langsung menghampiri korban pada saat sedang panik

D. Meneriaki agar korban bergerak perlahan (tidak panik)

Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMP / MTs Kelas 9 › Lihat soal

Pandeglang, 09 July 2012

Dear Indah,

I am very glad to write this letter to you, I want to tell you about my new school.
I am studying at SMPN 2 Cigeulis. Now I am at the 9th grade. I have met a lot of friends here.
My school is located in the city. It has a big library a representative class and laboratory. The school is tidy and clean. I am very happy studying here.
Please write back and tell me the condition of our school. Don’t forget to convey my greetings for our teachers and our friends. I love you all.

With love

Nadia Maharani
What is the purpose of the text?
A. To tell Indah about her story
B. To give information for the readers
C. To describe to Indah about her new school
D. To know Indah’s condition

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