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SD Kelas 2 / PAT PAI Semester 2 Genap SD Kelas 2

Pakaian yang kotor harus …

A. dijemur

B. dicuci

C. disetrika

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UTS Biologi SMA Kelas 12 › Lihat soal

Seorang ahli bonsai ingin membentuk tanamannya lebih indah. Dia harus selalu memotong ujung tanaman yang tumbuh mendominasi untuk menghilangkan pengaruh dari hormon …

A. auksin

B. giberelin

C. etilen

D. absisat

E. kaulokalin

Vocabulary › Lihat soal

Johniqua had math, history, science, and business before lunch.

This sentence illustrates the following comma rule:

A. A comma is used to separate two or more adjectives modifying a noun
B. A comma is used before a coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence
C. A comma is used to separate items in a series
D. Commas are used to set off a speaker’s exact words from the rest of the sentence

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