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SMP Kelas 8 / Ulangan Prakarya SMP Kelas 8

Teknik pengolahan makanan dengan menggunakan uap air panas dengan suhu 100˚C…

A. blanching

B. steaming

C. braising

D. poaching

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Vocabulary › Lihat soal

Which sentence does NOT use “ample” correctly?

A. You have ample time to finish the project–you have all day today and tomorrow.
B. You can stay at our house. There is ample room.
C. That grocery store has an ample selection of frozen dinners.
D. Tell your family there is ample room at our house. We have one couch where someone can sleep and that’s it.

Persiapan PTS IPA SMP Kelas 8 › Lihat soal

Sebuah balok besi seberat 400 N diletakkan di atas meja. Jika luas penampang bidang 2 m2m^2m2 , tekanannya adalah…..

A. 200 Pa

B. 150 Pa

C. 250 Pa

D. 800 Pa

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