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SD Kelas 6 / Ashabul Kahfi - PAI SD Kelas 6

Kisah Ashabul kahfi tercantum dalam al-qur’an surat…

A. al-maidah

B. al-baqarah

C. al-hujurat

D. al-kahfi

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Ulangan Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 5 › Lihat soal

Sophia is an elementary student of SDI Permata Hati. She is fifth grader. She is tall and beautiful. She loves pink and green. Her favorite food is hot meatball. She wants to be a chef someday.

She is helping her mother cooking now. She likes cutting vegetables and preparing the dishes. Her skill is quite good on cutting and serving food.


What grade is Sophia?

a. She is 3rd grader

b. She is 4th grader

c. She is 5th grader

d. She is 6th grader

PH Bahasa Mandarin SMP Kelas 7 › Lihat soal


A. Kantor pos

B. Taman umum

C. Kantor pos

D. Taman bermain

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