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SD Kelas 4 / Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam (SKI) MI Kelas 4

Suku yang menguasai bidang ekonomi dan pertanahan adalah ….

A. Bani Ahlaf

B. Bani Malik

C. Bani Hasyim

D. Bani Abasyiah

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Ujian Semester 1 (UAS) Bahasa Inggris SMP /MTs Kelas 9 › Lihat soal

Magic Belt, Magnetic Fat Reducer
Very simple to use but it has a huge use.
Lose your weight significantly in short time.
Put on around your waist as while you do your routine activity.
You won’t feel uncomfortable since this magic belt is well designed and very elastic.
Just try it and get the enormous use of the Magic Belt.
More info: Khemat Sianipar (085459074745)
What is the purpose of the text above?
a. To give tips to lose weight
b. To advertise a product
c. To show how to lose weight
d. To inform how to use magic belt

Persiapan PAS Sosiologi 2 SMA Kelas 10 › Lihat soal

Macam-macam diferensiasi sosial yang tidak termasuk dalam diferensiasi sosial adalah…

A. Ras

B. Suku bangsa

C. Agama

D. Klan

E. Ekonomi

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