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SD Kelas 4 / Luas dan Keliling Persegi dan Segi Tiga - Matematika SD Kelas 4

Selembar kain dengan ukuran panjang 150 cm dan lebarnya 75 cm. Keliling kain tersebut adalah …. cm.

A. 150 cm

B. 375 cm

C. 225 cm

D. 450 cm

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English Random #2 › Lihat soal

Fill in the blank:

You two are always fighting. Why can’t you ______?

A: get along
B: get over
C: get off
D: get down
E: get through

Agree and Disagree - PTS Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 9 › Lihat soal

Edo : ”Happy birthday, Lia.”

Lia : ”Thank you Edo. You are the first who congratulate me.”

Edo : ”Oh really? Here is a little present for you. I hope you like it.”

Lia : ”Thank you very much. You are really my best friend.”

Why does Edo give Lia a present?

A. Because Lia likes present.

B. Because Edo has a lot of money.

C. Because Lia is celebrating her birthday today

D. Just because

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