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Latihan Soal Online

Semua Soal (Acak) : SMP Kelas 7 / Organisme Makhluk Hidup - IPA SMP Kelas 7

Organel sel yang ditunjukkan oleh angka 13 adalah….

A. mitokondria

B. badan golgi

C. nukleus

D. vesikel

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Soal #83854 : Ulangan Bahasa Mandarin SMP Kelas 7

六 十 九

A. 69

B. 91

C. 96

D. 26

Soal #20603 : Grammar

Choose the sentence that is NOT written correctly.

A. Danny asked, “Is this the right answer?”
B. “Put that away!” Gretchen ordered.
C. I ordered a meal with chips, a drink, and a prize inside.
D. Mike, the person who told all of us to be quiet, asked the question?
E. All sentences are correct.

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