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SMA Kelas 10 / Ujian Semester 1 Ekonomi SMA Kelas 10

Kegiatan ekonomi yang dilakukan berdasarkan usaha bersama berasaskan kekeluargaan dan gotong-royong disebut…..
a. demokrasi ekonomi
b. kegiatan ekonomi
c. transaksi ekonomi
d. ekonomi kapitalis
e. ekonomi sosialis

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IPS Tema 3 SD Kelas 5 KD 3.2 › Lihat soal

Hubungan timbal balik antara manusia denga lingkungan alamnya disebut ….

A. interaksi Lingkungan

B. Interaksi Sosial

C. Interaksi Budaya

D. interaksi Ekonomi

Active vs. Passive Voice › Lihat soal

1 NASCAR driver Bobby Allison entered his first car race while still in high school.

2 He has had eight-four victories over his career, which included three Daytona 500 wins.

3 His long racing career made him a celebrity.

4 He was named one of the top fifty greatest NASCAR drivers.

Which sentence is written in passive voice?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

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