Latihan Soal Online

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SD Kelas 3 / Akidah Akhlak MI Kelas 3

Kalimat thayyibah yang baik untuk diucapkan ketika bersin, yaitu … .

A. Allahu Akbar

B. Alhamdulillah

C. Subhanallah

D. MasyaAllah

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Grammar › Lihat soal

A(n) ____________ is a noun or noun phrase that means the same thing as the noun that comes before it.

Ex: Miss Parker, a teacher at Iota High School, loves her students.

A. Apostrophe
B. Appointed
C. Appositive

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Lipid relative tidak larut dalam air tetapi larut dalam?

A. pelarut polar

B. pelarut non polar

C. semi pelarut

D. polarisasi

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