How to make a pencil case
1. Choose the size you want. If you want to put longer items, such as a ruler, placed in your pencil case, you’ll need a longer pencil case.
2. Find a bag or box that suitable with your choice of size. It doesn’t have to be nice-looking, but strong and clean.
3. Cover the box with paper, any color.
4. Decorate the container. Try some or all of the following ideas:
a) Put some cool sticker. b) Decorate with your own art work with markers: draw lines: shapes, animals, people, etc. c) Cut some magazine pictures and stick them on it. d) Totally cover the box with wrapping paper e) Glue on shells, buttons or anything else you want to decorate the pencil case with. Add glitter if you like.
5. Show all your friends and be proud of your unique pencil case.
The length of the pencil case depends on ….
A. The items we are going to put there
B. The ruler we have
C. The size of the pen
D. The box that we find

Pilih soal berdasarkan kelas
SD Kelas 1 SD Kelas 2 SD Kelas 3 SD Kelas 4 SD Kelas 5 SD Kelas 6 SMP Kelas 7 SMP Kelas 8 SMP Kelas 9 SMA Kelas 10 SMA Kelas 11 SMA Kelas 12Preview Soal Lainnya:
› Soal #14678 : Ujian Semester 2 (UAS / UKK) Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 11Blueberries, cranberries, and huckleberries like dark skinned bunch grape contain resveratrol, a potential anticancer agent. That’s a new finding from preliminary data from ASR collaborative studies with Rutgers University New Jersey and Canada, Kentville, Nova Scotia. Resveratrol protects dark skinned bunch grape from fungal diseases and provides health benefits to consumers, including protection from cardiovascular disease. The compound’s anticancer potential warranted its examination in other fruits.
Using gas chromatographic and mass spectrometric procedures, the scientists measured the resveratrol content of 30 whole fruit samples blueberry, cranberry, huckleberry, and related plants representing 5 families and 10 species Vaccinium fruit. They found that several samples contained varying amounts of the compound. Analysis of extracts of the skin, juice/pulp, and seed of muscadine grapes showed that its concentration in fruit skin was highest. Levels in the juice/pulp were much lower than in either skin or seeds. Researchers are continuing to analyze more vaccinium and muscadine samples. Future research goals will include enhancing production of resveratrol in selected species.
How many fruit samples are used in the research?
a. 3
b. 5
c. 10
d. 25
e. 30
› Soal #16192 : Persamaan Kata (sinonim)
A. Jadwal ulang
B. Pengaturan
C. Pendaftaran
D. Pendaftaran Kembali
Materi Latihan Soal Lainnya:
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- Seleksi Pembinaan Olimpiade Matematika SD Kelas 3
- Bumi dan Bulan - IPA SD Kelas 4
- MID Semester IPA SD Kelas 3
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