Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream Recipe.
– 1 can of full-cream milk.
– 2 cups of heavy cream.
– 1 dark chocolate bar.
– semi-sweet chocolate chips (around 10 grams).
1. Break the dark chocolate bar into chunks.
2. Melt the chocolate bar in the microwave or in a double boiler.
3. As it melts, stir the chocolate.
4. Remove the chocolate from the heat.
5. Pour the can of full-cream milk into the melted chocolate slowly while stirring the mixture.
6. When the mixture mixed throughly, set aside.
7. In a separate bowl, mix the heavy cream with manual or electric mixer until stiffpeaks form.
8. Combine the whipped cream and chocolate mixture.
9. Sprinkle the semi-sweet chocolate chips into the mixture.
10. Fold together until all of them completely mixed.
11. Store in a closed container and freeze for around 2-3 hours.
The underlined word “thoroughly” most nearly means …
(A) rigorously
(B) through
(C) though
(D) perfectly
(E) although

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