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SMA Kelas 10 / UTS Seni Budaya SMA Kelas 10

nilai keindahan yang bersifat sebagai alat pendukung adalah nilai……..

A. subjektif

B. ekstrinsik

C. objektif

D. intrinsik

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Grammar › Lihat soal

Which is correct?

A. I chewed slowly as I thought about my decision; wanting nothing more than forever with Edward and the rest of the Cullens.
B. Bella was extremely angry when she learned the news; that Jacob had imprinted on Renesmee.
C. Rose knew everything there was to know about cars; including Jacob’s VW Rabbit; she reluctantly helped him fix it.
D. Tyler was distraught after almost hitting Bella with his van; he tried everything he could think of to try and make it up to her.

IPAS SD Kelas 4 › Lihat soal

    Penyakit padatulang yang disebabkan oleh virus adalah….

A. Polio

B. Rhakitis

C. Lordosis

D. Osteoporosis

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