Latihan Soal Online

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SD Kelas 5 / Fikih - MI Kelas 5

Menjaga kebersihan dalam islam sangat dianjurkan. Disebutkan dalam sebuah hadits kebersihan sebagian dari …
a. iman
b. kesehatan
c. keindahan
d. kerapian

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Grammar › Lihat soal

If you are addicted to something such as coffee, chocolate, the Internet or shopping,
you are _____________ ________ it.

A. Fond of
B. Hooked on
C. Uninterested in

Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs 2011/2012 › Lihat soal

” Each of them is with a circle of bells called stupa.” (paragraph2)

The word them is the sentenses refers to ….

A. Budhist sculptures

B. First five terraces

C. Upper three terraces

D. Bell – shape stupas

Materi Latihan Soal Lainnya:

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