Latihan Soal Online

Latihan Soal Online - Latihan Soal SD - Latihan Soal SMP - Latihan Soal SMA | Kategori : Semua Soal

SMP Kelas 9 / Internet & Intranet - TIK SMP Kelas 9

Bisnis/pasar/komersial saat ini sudah banyak yang berbasis online. Shopee, Tokopedia, Lazada, adalah contoh dari….

A. e-commerce

B. e-government

C. e-learning

D. e-money

Pilih jawaban kamu:

Latihan Soal SD Kelas 1Latihan Soal SD Kelas 2Latihan Soal SD Kelas 3Latihan Soal SD Kelas 4Latihan Soal SD Kelas 5Latihan Soal SD Kelas 6Latihan Soal SMP Kelas 7Latihan Soal SMP Kelas 8Latihan Soal SMP Kelas 9Latihan Soal SMA Kelas 10Latihan Soal SMA Kelas 11Latihan Soal SMA Kelas 12

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Persiapan UTS Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 12 › Lihat soal

A supporter of the national education bill display a sign reading “Endorse the national education bill right now” to every motorist passing the back gate of the House of Representatives compound in Senayan, Central Jakarta. Thousands of members from Islamic groups gathered outside the compound on Thuesday demanding that the bill be endorsed.

The topic of the passage is about….

A. national education

B. education bill

C. supporter of the bill

D. a public demand

Soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Passive Voice › Lihat soal

You can’t enter the room because it …. now.
a. cleaned
b. is cleaned
c. has cleaned
d. is being cleaned

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