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★ Ujian Nasional Matematika SMP/MTs 2013/2014

Dalam sebuah kantong terdapat 8 bola dengan nomor 1 sampai 8. Jika diambil sebuah bola secara acak, maka peluang terambilnya bola bernomor bilangan prima adalah ….

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Grammar › Lihat soal

Identify the sentence which has the same meaning: “One man’s meat is another’s poison.” – Proverb

A. Meat eating is not good.
B. People’s viewpoints differ widely.
C. People like different types of food.

Grammar › Lihat soal

The definition of “to disturb or irritate” best fits this word?

A. Amnesia
B. Bother
C. Sack
D. Basket

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