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★ Biologi SMA

Gejala asidosis pada penderita pneumonia adalah manifestasi dari gangguan proses pengangkutan….

A. Oksigen

B. Karbonmonoksida

C. Karbondioksida

D. Oksihemoglobin

E. Karbohidrat

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BMR (Budaya Melayu Riau) Semester 1 Ganjil SMP Kelas 7 › Lihat soal

Melayu yang dalam kawan melayu riau, juga disebut aksara
A. melayu riau
B. aksara arab
C. arab melayu
D. latin

Run-on Sentences › Lihat soal

WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO CORRECT THIS SENTENCE: The restaurant was beautiful, the food was overpriced.

A. Add the conjunction “nor” after the comma.
B. Add the conjunction “or” after the comma.
C. Add the conjunction “but” after the comma.
D. Add the conjunction “for” after the comma.
E. Sentence is correct as is. No need to modify.

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