Latihan Soal Online

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SMA Kelas 11 / Sejarah SMA Kelas 11 Semester 2

Terjadinya peristiwa Rengasdengklok, dikarenakan adanya perbedaan pendapat tentang …
a. Tempat pelaksanaan proklamasi
b. Waktu pelaksanaan proklamasi
c. Penandatanganan naskah proklamasi
d. Tokoh yang membacakan naskah proklamasi
e. Pembaca teks proklamasi

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Seni Budaya SMA Kelas 11 › Lihat soal

Alat musik yang dimainkan dengan cara ditiup disebut

A. Membranophone

B. Chordophone

C. Idiophone

D. Aerophone

E. Electrophone

Grammar › Lihat soal

Choose the sentence that is written correctly.

A. Just before dawn on June 27, 1874, a large group of Plains Indians galloped on horseback toward Adobe Walls.
B. Adobe Walls a group of a few stores near an old trading post was open for business.
C. Actually a group of buffalo hunters are gathered in the stores with the storekeepers.
D. The Plains Indians led by Comanche chief quanah, later called Quanah Parker were angry over the slaughter of the buffalo herders.
E. Here is what one of the hunters said “When they looked out that morning.”

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